No. There are several scenarios where you can keep using your existing software.
- Your HEI can implement some or all of the EWP APIs and in this way connect to the EWP Network. This usually requires ICT development, not only for the connection itself (server-side implementation) but also for the Interface (client-side implementation). Most internal HEI software is not yet suited for external data exchange, so this needs to be changed. But it can be done in stages (one API after another).
- For the Learning Agreements and the Interinstitutional Agreements, you can use the EWP Dashboard (temporarily or permanently). But of course, that means that you cannot do this it in your own internal software any longer.
- A third option is to use the software of a third-party software provider (commercial or not). You can be connected to the EWP Network via different software tools, but not with more than 1 software tool at the same time per service.