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How to use this page

Using the search bar above, you can try and find an issue similar to the one you are facing. When searching, try and use keywords rather than actual questions.
For example, try searching for "delete ola" rather than "How do I delete OLAs?".

General list

This contains all FAQs relating to the Dashboard, in all its aspects: from the first registration to the day to day usage, (almost) every issue can be found here. This is the list that you can search through using the search bar, but if you have a very specific issue or you are phrasing it differently from how we did it, the general list may be still of great help.

FAQs by topic

Here, FAQs are listed according to what topic they are about. This kind of selection will be most useful if you are encountering some issue in the context of a specific process (for example when uploading and then handling pre-filled OLAs).

FAQs by Dashboard section

In this section, FAQs are organised to follow the structure of the Dashboard. This will be most useful if you are reading the FAQs to try and get a general idea of how each part of the Dashboard works, or if you are having an issue that fits neatly one of the sections, rather than a general problem.

FAQs by topic

Access , registration and users

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Common errors

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Inter-Institutional Agreements

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Online Learning Agreements

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FAQs by Dashboard section

Registration and login

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My University

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Registration and login

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Mobilities (OLA 3.0)

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Mobilities (OLA 2.0)

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General list

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