Performance of incoming/outgoing students

For each student:

Per university:

Support and facilities at the host institution

Combine student and trainee-data



Total S&F-score:

Academic quality

per entry:

per university


To calculate the rankings indicator:

  1. Only institutions that are ranked in top 500 of at least two of the three rankings (ARWU, QS and THE) will be taken into account
  2. Calculate the average ranking based on the ranking positions
  3. Calculate the relative score for each institution, the highest ranked institution will get the highest score
    1. List from best to worst outcome. For equal outcomes, it doesn't matter (are handled later on)
    2. Assign a score to each position: best position, highest score, worst position 0
    3. The institutions with the same outcome, get the average score of this group of institutions

Only the most recent upload by the super admin should be taken into account

Course catalogue information

Answers on the question "Was the receiving institution's course catalogue…" are taken into account, the 4 possible answers are not weighed equally:

Summing these, results in a score between 0 and 10

For the total score:

Exchange of mobility documents

To calculate the total score, 3 subscores will be combined. The first two are calculated at student/trainee-level, the third at institution level.

Per student

To calculate the total score, 3 subscores will be combined. The first two are calculated at student/trainee-level, the third at institution level.

Per university

Subscore 1:

Subscore 2:

Subscore 3: (data= one entry for each university that has submitted a grading table, this information is uploaded in the tool)

Final score:

Mobility rate

Score 1

Score 1 = 100-2*||

Score 2

Score 2 = total score/number of academic years

Indicator score = (score 1 + score 2)/2


The score is calculated based on the number of broad (BF) and narrow (NF) isced fields at a particular institution.
0110: Education, not further defined
0111: Education science
0210: Arts, not further defined
0211: Audio-visual techniques and media production
0212: Fashion, interior and industrial design
0213: Fine arts
0214: Handicrafts
0610: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
--> 3 BF (0100;0200;0600)

The Logic is:


Now, the score for an institution with b BF and n NF is:

  1. if maxB > 1
    Basis = (b-1)*100/(maxB-1)
    If b=1
    Score = n*100/(maxB-1)/(maxN(1)-minN(1)+2)
    If b>1
    Score = basis + (n-minN(b))*100/(maxB-1)/(maxN(b)-minN(b)+1)
  2. if maxB = 1 (so b= 1 for all institutions)
    Score = n*100/maxN

Educational collaboration

1) Subscore projects:

2) Subscore joint programmes:

Final score: subscore projects + subscore joint programmes

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