Main rules and principles (MRAP)

  • #MRAP.1
    Each HEI keeps the full control over the card production for its students.
  • #MRAP.2
    In the context of the implementation of the ESC project, each HEI is responsible for ensuring full conformity to all aspects of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • #MRAP.3
    The implementation of the ESC-R router enhances the efficiency of the system and reinforces trust in the ESC. HEIs have to provide ESC-R with data (ESI, ESCN, validity) or allow ESC-R to read data to allow the reading of the QR-Code generated by them and printed on cards.
  • #MRAP.4
    In addition to the items mentioned below, the HEI keeps the control over the design of the card and decides what information is written on it.

On the card medium, the HEI joining the ESC system must put on the front of the card:

    • the holographic logo of ESC (preferably next to a corner of the card, can be also on the back)
    • the ESI composed with :
      • the country code (e.g. FR for France)
      • the schacHomeOrganization code (domain name of HEI) => previously PIC Code*
      • the local student ID

Or just

 On the card medium, the joining HEI should put the ESC QR Code.

  • #MRAP.5
    Every European student card must have an unique identifier based on the suggested formula which involves the HEI PIC code( PIC is not print on cards). It is called ESCN.
  • #MRAP.6
    If the card has a chip, the HEI can write on this chip a data zone including ESI and ESCN : the DEUInfo.
  • #MRAP.7
    In order for the European student card to be valid, once the student has given explicit agreement to register his card  on the ESC-R, the HEI must write the following data on the router:
    • HEI PIC code
    • ESI
    • ESCN
    • Validity Date
    • Academic level (not required)
    • Student E-mail (required)

Data treatment is based on public interest mission. HEI has to inform students on the goal of the treatment (cf Basic Concept). Students can apply their right to oppose on this treatment and HEI must offer a way (digital or not) to do so. A ESC student platform exists on this purpose but it force student to create new account with personal data, we recommend HEI to manage treatment opposition only with ESC-R API.

If the student opposed the treatment, he can keep the card with the ESC logo but he will not have access to the advantages provided by the ESC system when he is moving through Europe and the QR-Code will not give any information.  

  • #MRAP.8 The student keeps permanent control on his card: the verification of the card and his status is possible only if he presents the card at a desk, either automatic or not.
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