EWP stands for Erasmus without Paper, which was originally an Erasmus+ project (2015-2019) and now an electronic Network. Its chief goal is to digitalise the administrative framework that underpins student mobility in Europe, enabling electronic data exchange and interoperability among diverse information systems. In March 2019 the European Commission announced that the usage of EWP will be made mandatory from 2021 as part of the next Multi-annual financial framework (MFF) i.e. the next Erasmus programme. This was confirmed and elaborated in the Erasmus goes digital webinar on 5/3/2020.
EWP consists of two chief components: a network that interconnects a multitude of student information systems (whether individual universities or third-party providers which represent multiple institutions) through the use of APIs and a Dashboard that provides a web solution for exchanging student data electronically for HEIs lacking the solution to connect to EWP.